I'm a student of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. And that for some time already. I have done a lot of extra stuff besides my study, like being in a lot of committees and being treasurer for the Groningen AI student union or participating and organizing in the RoboCup 3D Simulation League (and winning second price in the world-championships in Atlanta in 2007, the third price in China 2008), I'm chair of the organizing committee of the 3D Simulation League for the world championship in Graz 2008. Also I have been a student assistant for eight courses over the past 6 years.
Just before the Christmas holidays I've started my masters project on bipedal walking with spiking neurons and muscle models. I've always been very interested in anatomy and neurology and I like to develop and use models which are as much as possible inspired by biology. So far I'm really enjoying myself reading a lot of papers.
What I'm going to do after graduating still is a great mystery to me, but I'm starting lean in the direction of science, so I'm going to start looking around for interesting phd position. If possible in the field of biological inspired robotics or biological inspired neural networks. I've always really liked the brain and I have a lot of ideas how it might work.